Sep 30, 2021
The trend to miniaturize wireless communication devices has led to decreased PCB sizes and increased component densities. Although this shift to miniaturized technology has aided many areas of electronic design, it constrains RF front-end design. Multilayer chip antennas are an interesting choice for engineers, who...
Sep 23, 2021
Magnetic Field Interferences are increasing in electronic devices due to a number of factors including reduced separation distances of PCB’s, Integrated Circuits and many other sensitive components. Magnetically coupled communication technologies leads to more complex layout and proximity considerations. With...
Sep 16, 2021
Rated current values found on datasheets serve as a guide for the selection of power inductors. However, the temperature rise in power inductors can be influenced by many factors that are not always reported in datasheets by all manufacturers giving a false sense of what the rated current values actually represent. In...
Sep 9, 2021
Modern power supplies need to reduce power loss in order to remain efficient. Switch mode power supplies and DC/DC switching controllers are state of the art and allow great efficiency, but if the design of the circuit and circuit board layout is less poor, then this can result in increased emission of radio...
Sep 2, 2021
Ringing is a common term that refers to the undesired oscillation which happens when a power semiconductor switch turns on or off in the presence of parassitic inductance and capacitance. In this podcast, learn how ferrite beads placed in series with the bootstrap pin of buck regulators can make excellent ringing...